Thursday, September 25, 2014

Dejavu (3)

biarkan saja aku 
di situ
jangan belenggu aku 
dengan hati beku 
dan rindu palsu mu.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Mak (2)

yang mengajar kami
terus senyum
walau semangat merudum
terus ketawa
walau jiwa sengsara
terus setia
walau hati kecewa
dan terus cekal
dengan solat dan tawakal

terima kasih Tuhan
kerana kurniakan kami
mak yang penyayang 
dan berjiwa kental.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

He Knows

For every tears that people don't see
for every word that people don't get
for every effort that people don't appreciate
for every good intention that people don't understand
for every contribution that people don't recognize
for your existence that people don't realize

don't be sad
don't be upset
coz you have Allah
He knows you
He knows best.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Semester baru menjelang
masa senggang berkurang
rutin berulang

gagahlah ke medan juang
walau tak keruan
moga doa diperkenan
usaha bakti diredhai Tuhan.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Dejavu (2)


mata ku sudah bengkak
menangisi kamu
kenapa entah

jangan tunggu

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Year after year
yet I still remember 
what you said that created laughter
in front of the computer

and I still remember
the following quotes
you wrote in a letter
well kept in a folder
locked in the heart of an admirer

it's the 3rd anniversary of your journey
you brought my heart my thought together

May Allah bless you my dear…

"Follow your heart, but take your brain with you."